Town Grievances 2024

Lister Minutes

2021 Town Listers Report

We again wish to thank the citizens of Waterford for your cooperation during the completed reappraisal under the difficult circumstances. If you believe there are existing errors in the data, please let us know.

Some statistics from the reappraisal:


Grand list increased 7.09% to a total of $2,078,017.75


813 real properties - 16 personal properties - 19 nontaxable properties 464 taxable homesteads - 349 taxable non-homesteads

CLA (Common Level of Appraisal)-99.45% COD (Coefficient of Dispersion) - 5.02%

These values may change slightly after our appeal of 2/2/22 on a handful of property sales.


We are currently negotiating with Great River Hydro to extend our standstill agreement to coincide with the Littleton Moore Dam reappraisal. It is our intent to do a joint reappraisal with Littleton for the dam in 2024.

The total number of property transfers and subdivisions for last year was 81. This year we are at 66 as of 1/1/2022.

The State of Vermont has purchased new software for all towns to process the Grand List. Training has started but full implementation will occur in 2023.

If you have any buildings that have been removed, destroyed or collapsed, please send a letter so we can delete it from your appraisal.

If you have any questions, please call us at 748-2122 Ext 19.